Village Hall
Over the months of November and December, 2023, 2441 survey forms were delivered by the Parish Council to the residents of Swanwick. The survey sought to discover and understand the current views held across the village regarding the degree of support for a purpose built village hall and car park. In addition the Parish Council wanted to see if other uses for the land (already purchased) were preferred. Previous consultation had taken place in 2017 and in response; The Village Hall Working Group submitted plans for a hall and car park which were subsequently approved by Amber Valley Borough Council.

Seven years on, a fresh look at the project was felt to be both appropriate and timely.
Number of survey forms delivered: 2441
Number returned: 176
Size of sample returned: 7.2%
Residents in favour of a village hall: 86 Residents not in favour : 87 Residents unsure : 3 Of those residents in favour, the prevailing reasons given centred on a desire to have a central meeting place and focal point for the village which would foster community cohesion and also, provide a space large enough to accommodate users who were currently going to venues further afield. Residents expressed feelings of increased isolation and loneliness post- Covid and thought a designated hall with scope for a variety of uses by different groups would help to build a better sense of community. There was a strong awareness that there had been increased residential building in the village but there had been no comparable increase in facilities.
Several respondents were open to revising the plans if building costs to deliver the original plans were found to be just too high and would therefore consider a smaller project. Of the 86 in favour, 69 households contained residents over 60 years of age. Of those residents not in favour of pressing on with a purpose built hall, the main reason given was that there were enough venues already available to hire in the village and a further facility was simply not needed and therefore would be underused. Following on from this, just over 25% felt the costs of building a new hall would be prohibitive. There were concerns about the safety of access on Derby Road and that traffic problems in general would be exacerbated. Residents cited other uses they would prefer for the land use with the overwhelming choice being that of developing the space into a large and permanent car park with designated disabled bays. Other ideas included a community green space and garden, a skate park, using the money to enhance the village environment in general, improve the football pitches and build more retail units, possibly a pub and restaurant. Of the 87 not in favour, 71 households contained residents over the age of 60.
A feasibility study and business cases will be undertaken/produced within a village working group, to determine the best cause of action going forward. If you are interested in being part of the working group please contact the Clerk using our Contact Form.
Artists Impression
Detailed Plans